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Aretha Varner 
October 10, 2022

We Care Tucson,  First, a big thank you!  Thank you for everything you do for students and the community. I also want to thank you for accepting me into your volunteer program. I have been coming to We Care Tucson for about three months now at least twice a week or daily if i can. I am a Pima college student in the IT program, so this opportunity to get hands-on learning is amazing!, but what's more amazing is the things you do for the community, and the lives you have changed right in front of me.  When I first came to We Care Tucson, I had no idea the experiences I would encounter. After a couple of months I was asked to go along for a pickup of medical equipment from a gentleman who just lost his father. After arriving all the way to the east side of Tucson to pick up, the emotions started to hit. I Could feel this gentlemans pain even though we had never met and that wasn't easy.  After loading up and heading out we made another stop. We met an elderly woman and her daughter in a parking lot to deliver this wheelchair the gentleman just donated. The daughter helped the lady in the wheelchair and as she sat in it she became emotional and forever thankful, she kept repeating how thankful she was and how life changing this wheelchair will be, because insurance won't provide and you guys did. I love being a part of the We Care family and watching the lives of people that you change on a daily basis. Thanks for having me.

Clara Sanchez
December 26, 2022

I am a 64 year old, handicapped senior citizen. In September of this year, I moved into an apartment on Blacklidge Dr., right around the corner from your location. I utilize a wheelchair to get around, so I do not get out and about much. My chair was old, and the wheels were not turning right. It was difficult for me to go a few feet. I need hip replacement in both hips, I have no cartilage in either hip because of this I suffer chronic pain. The difficulty of the mobility of my wheelchair made my pain so much worse. I live on a fixed income, and I cannot afford to buy a wheelchair to replace this one. A few days later I met this guy, named Ramon, who is also in a wheelchair. He told me he knew about a place really close to here, a computer store, that provides wheelchairs in good condition to people who cannot afford to buy them, for free. The following day, Ramon showed up with a wheelchair in excellent condition for me. I am so grateful to all of you at We Care. Ramon never told me the name of your organization. I googled “Computer store with handicap equipment on Stone.” and it directed me to the “We Care” website. After visiting your website, I became aware of what “We Care” is all about. Your organization is in direct harmony with the Universal Law of compensation. Where it states that what we do must be of service to all. That is exactly what “We Care” does.Under this Universal Law, those who provide service to all, everything else will come your way. What a blessing. “We Care” sets an outstanding example of what it is all about to all other businesses. A couple of weeks ago I called “We Care” and spoke to “Ninny” about me needing a recliner. I had just gotten out of the hospital and needed a recliner to sit on. The only furniture I had was my bed. I cannot sit in my wheelchair very long, because of my pain. For several weeks I stayed in bed 23 hours a day. Ninny told me that she did not have one but knew of someone who might. Two days later she called me to tell me she had found one for me and that she would have it in about a week. When the recliner was delivered to your store, Ninny called me. Since I did not have any way to transport the chair from “We Care” to my apartment, Ninny said she would have her guys deliver it to me. I am so grateful and thankful to all the staff at “We Care” for doing what you guys do. The recliner lifts the seat all the way up and it makes it less difficult for me to sit down in it and get out of it. What a blessing to me! I am so very grateful for your contribution to me and everyone else that has financial difficulties and is unable to purchase these much needed items. You have improved the quality of my life with your kindness! Once again, “Thank You.” There is only one thing I must say, “We Care….YES YOU DO!!”

Rhonda Moreno
December 25, 2022

My 57 year old husband fell critically I’ll on March 28th 2022. He had Covid in August of 2021 and left with Covid lung and long Covid. His lungs were so sick he was on high flow of 40 liter per minute until they put the tube down his trachea. His life was in the hands of God and the highly skilled Banner doctors. At his worse, he was on 12 IV drips, a ventilator, Arterial line, CRRT (34 hour dialysis), and a warming blanket. He would show improvement then crash again. He almost died twice. He was in the hospital until August 5th. He came home via transport($80) because he couldn’t stand up to get into our car. All his prescriptions cost $300 and both of us are disabled so our income is tight. “We Care” saved us!!! What would have cost us hundreds of dollars only cost $60 for 3 large medical items. Our journey has been hard but I am so thankful for “We care”! Thank you for all you do for us.

November 15, 2023

I was so overjoyed to find out about We Care. I had a friend that was coming home from the hospital for end of life care. Isabella was so helpful assisting me with all of the equipment that I needed. I have to admit, I was very anxious about bringing my friend home, but with your help I was able to get the supplies I needed to help make his transition easier. Thank you! As I said to Isabella, I am eternally grateful for the services and support you provide to our community.

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Mon - 12 PM to 3:30 PM
Tues, Thurs - Fri 10 AM to 3:30 PM

Wed - 12 PM to 6 PM

3029 N Stone Avenue, Tucson AZ 85705
​Tel: (520) 514-1588

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