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Affordable Computers

Bridging the Digital Divide

We Care Tucson restores donated computers and makes them available to the community at affordable prices. We accept applications from those who are economically challenged for our low cost program to help bridge the digital divide.


Our team of highly skilled IT professionals and volunteers refurbishes donated desktop and laptop computers, restoring them to tip-top shape.

You can see our wide selection by visiting our store

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday from 10 AM to 3:30 PM.

Wednesday from 12 PM to 6 PM. 


Medical Supplies & Equipment

We Care Tucson maintains a loaner bank of medical equipment. The equipment is provided free of charge however, there is  an administrative fee upon pickup. This service is of immeasurable assistance to those people who have the misfortune of falling through the cracks of our medical system.


We provide such items as wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, shower benches and toilet risers. 


We are always happy to accept donations of medical equipment and supplies for which you may no longer have need. We accept items such as wheelchairs, walkers, transfer benches, shower benches, oxygen concentrators, braces, grabbers and scooters. No hospital beds please.

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We would love to add your particular talent and enthusiasm to our team.  We have a number of areas in which you, as a volunteer, can make a contribution, including front office assistance, medical equipment and supply distribution, IT maintenance and repair... and we're happy to train you!


Items that are donated to We Care Tucson that cannot be refurbished are broken down by volunteers and recycled through our partnerships with recycling facilities. Because of our refurbishing and recycling activities, thousands of pounds of potential waste are diverted away from local landfills.

Volunteer Opportunities


Mon - 12 PM to 3:30 PM
Tues, Thurs - Fri 10 AM to 3:30 PM

Wed - 12 PM to 6 PM
3029 N Stone Avenue, Tucson AZ 85705
​Tel: (520) 514-1588

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